Foods to avoid when trying to get pregnant?

Planning the wrong menu for a restaurant meal not only affects your health but also negatively affects your fertility? So what foods should be avoided when trying to get pregnant? Please refer to the following useful information:

What foods should be avoided when trying to get pregnant?

1. Caffeine

Caffeine is an addictive substance, not only affects hormone balance, consuming too much caffeine also increases the risk of miscarriage and prevents ovulation.

2. Soybean food

Soy foods have been tested to contain estrogen-mimicking ingredients, which have an adverse effect on hormone balance. This affects the fertility of both men and women, especially men; So you should avoid processed soy foods such as soy milk, soy burgers, soy meat, etc.

3. Sugar, soda and pasteurized juice

Pasteurized juices such as apple juice and canned oranges often contain concentrated sugars, which can disrupt blood sugar and negatively affect the immune system and hormone balance. Instead of types containing refined and artificial sugar, you can replace it with jaggery, brown sugar.

4. Fat-free food

Women often avoid high-fat products for fear of gaining weight, but for those who want to have children, it is a mistake.

Fat plays an important role in the body, women who do not consume enough fat often have fertility problems such as irregular periods, ovulation disorders, and even infertility. Instead of choosing fat-free foods, you can choose fats from plants, nuts, and fish. Limit trans fats in fast foods and processed foods.

5. GMO (genetically mutated) foods

Genetically mutated foods are becoming a real concern when it comes to infertility. According to statistics, only in the 1970s, the sperm count in the global male population has decreased by 40-50% and mutated food is one of the "culprits". You should look carefully at food packaging, check for non-GMO signs, or choose organic foods if possible.

What supplements should I take before pregnancy?

Preparing for pregnancy, besides maintaining a very nutritious diet, mothers can also add some synthetic supplements to help improve health, increase fertility, prevent pregnancy. Congenital birth defects prepare for a healthy pregnancy:

According to experts, there are 5 very important nutrients for pregnant mothers: folic acid (vitamin B9), DHA/EPA, iron, calcium, and Vitamin D3.

In which, folic acid has a particularly important role and there have been adequate studies demonstrating its ability to help prevent congenital neural tube defects in the fetus. In the first 7 weeks of neural tube formation, neural tube defects often occur in the fetus, so experts recommend that mothers need to supplement folic acid with diet or pills containing 400mcg folic acid per day before time. 3 months of pregnancy to effectively prevent neural tube defects in the fetus. In fact, because the time of pregnancy is often not prepared in advance, the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has recommended that all women of childbearing age should take 400mcg of folic acid daily. In addition, folic acid also helps mothers avoid complications such as miscarriage, premature birth, anemia, etc.

Iron is a component of hemoglobin, an important oxygen and carbon dioxide transporter in the blood, necessary for both the fetus and the mother. Calcium helps in the development of the baby's bones and prevents bone loss in the mother. In addition, according to statistics, pregnant women often have vitamin D deficiency before pregnancy, so mothers also need to supplement vitamin D in the form of Vitamin D3 because D3 is a particularly important factor to help absorb calcium from the intestines into the blood. from the blood into the bones. DHA is especially necessary for the development of the baby's brain, DHA is best transported across the placenta when the ratio of DHA/EPA is about 4/1. In addition, DHA and EPA supplemented before pregnancy also help increase blood flow to a woman's uterus, increasing the likelihood of successful conception.

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