What does the color of semen say about health?

Changes in the color of semen are usually of little concern and can sometimes be a warning sign of a male health problem.

Semen helps transport sperm cells and allows them to survive as long as five days to meet a fertilized egg. Based on the color of semen, some problems can be diagnosed as follows:

Clear, white or gray

Clear, white, or gray semen is considered normal or healthy. The consistency should be similar to the consistency of egg whites or slightly jelly-like. Sometimes jelly-like particles may appear in the semen, which is normal if a man is dehydrated or has not ejaculated for a long time.

Red or brown

If the semen is red or brown, it could be a sign of blood. It can be caused by a ruptured blood vessel, an enlarged prostate gland, epididymitis (or orchitis), a sexually transmitted disease, trauma to the testicle, or a stone in the kidney or bladder. ... or a prostate biopsy.

High blood pressure (hypertension) can sometimes cause blood to appear in semen, especially if the condition is left untreated.

Most cases of bloody ejaculation go away on their own. However, if the causes are caused by any of the above diseases, men need to see a doctor and treat the disease early.

Healthy semen is usually clear, white or gray in color. Photo: Freepik

Yellow or green

Yellow or green semen can be a sign of an infection. Some possible causes include: having sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, prostatitis; have jaundice or a buildup of yellow pigment due to conditions like hepatitis and gallstones...

In addition, having urine in semen can also cause yellow or green coloration. This is most common if you ejaculate right after urinating.

Yellow or green semen may be associated with male infertility, where high levels of white blood cells damage and weaken sperm cells.


Black semen is usually caused by black blood remaining in the body for a long time. This problem may also be related to spinal cord injury that causes the seminal vesicles to become damaged, causing bleeding to mix with semen .

In addition, high levels of heavy metals such as lead, manganese and nickel in the blood can cause dark semen. It can be caused by exposure to contaminated food, water, or other environmental factors.

A number of other problems with abnormal color can be a sign of infection or infertility, including bad-smelling semen, unusually large or small amounts after ejaculation; vaginal infection, pain, swelling; prolonged fever...

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