4 ways to manage emotional eating to help prevent diabetes

Moving your body every day, eating with a plan, thinking positively… helps to manage emotional eating and prevent diabetes.

Many people enjoy emotional eating; Use food to soothe the mental damage, fatigue in life. However, this emotional eating habit can have a negative impact on health, increasing the risk of diabetes, high blood sugar, fatigue ...

Dr Sahir Jamati at Masina Hospital in Mumbai, India, says that the body will produce more cortisol hormone when stressed. This hormone tends to stimulate appetite, causing people to look to sweet, fatty, and salty foods for mental support. Negative emotions can include: sadness, anxiety, fear, stress, anger. To control emotional eating, he recommends four ways below.

Be physically active every day : Participating in physical activity helps release positive hormones like endorphins. This hormone has the effect of reducing feelings of stress and anxiety. Any form of daily physical exercise, heavy or light, contributes to the release of negative emotions. People can choose sports according to their age, health, personal strengths.

Daily exercise is good for overall health: Photo: Freepik

Eat with a plan : Eating with focus can help the process of consuming food more efficiently. Planning meals with a plan, a clear menu also helps to curb sudden emotional hunger, avoid binge eating. Keep a clear food diary and assess hunger levels 1-2 hours after consumption. From this base, you choose energy-rich foods that keep you full for a long time, foods that make you feel hungry quickly.

Positive Thinking : Reassuring yourself with fun, positive stories will tackle emotional fluctuations and hunger. Happy words and thoughts become an option that nourishes the mind, helping people feel happy instead of being caught up in the flow of negative emotions, thereby, having more scientific eating habits. For example, if you're feeling bored and are about to order some food to relieve the feeling of emptiness, you should quickly redirect your thoughts about hunger to another interesting conversation like where to go for the weekend. Who. When you feel suddenly hungry, meditation, yoga, or light exercise can help reduce stress.

Seek support : Finding support rather than isolating yourself can help you through your healing journey and deal with stressful situations. You can seek support from mental health professionals and psychiatrists. After sharing the existing problems, the doctor will give appropriate treatment.

Some signs that you are eating emotionally are a sudden and urgent need for food, cravings for processed foods, eating at unusual times, a tendency to overeat. normal and forget about portion control. You can also eat despite feeling full. Other signs of emotional eating are feelings of guilt after eating, and uncontrolled weight gain.

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